EtlanZ - Best Collection Series Vol.16 Ever Green ~Tapestry of Mana and Time~.EtlanZ - EtlanZ10th Anniversary Sound Memorial.Compromised Productions - The Chrono Trigger Mixtape Vol.Chronicles of Time - Chronicles of Time.Blake Robinson - Chrono Trigger Symphony.Azu - Piano Fantasy - Game Music Piano Arrange.Restorations attempt to take compressed, low-quality sampled music (as found on video games, such as Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross) and "restore" them by tracking down the original samples and recreating the songs, as they would've sounded like to the composers before being subject to hardware limitations. Chrono Trigger (Tracks 1-65, 67-87) by DarioEMeloD.

Areas Played: 12000 B.C., Commons, Dimensional Vortex (2300 A.D.